
Want to go to all SaaStr events for F R E E?

You read that right. For free. For a year. Your team will get to go to SaaStr Annual 2020, SaaStr East, SaaStr Europa and any event in between for a whole year for free. Use #saastrmoments on social media to enter to win and get other entries by following the steps below.👇

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Snap photos at key locations

All throughout #SaaStrAnnual19 there will be #SaaStrMoments, snap a photo and submit them below to enter for your chance to win team packs for a year to all of SaaStr’s events including SaaStr Annual 2020 and SaaStr Eupora.

Use Branded Hashtags

Almost any where you look you’ll notice we’ve transformed the San Jose convention center into SaaS paradise! Share these unique locations with the hashtag #SaaStrMoments for additional entries.

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See what people are seeing and sharing using the #SaaStrMoments